This study investigated the Efficacy of Social Media in enhancing Socialization among Social Studies Students in Colleges of Education in Kaduna State. Three objectives, three research questions and three Null-hypotheses were raised for the study. The research design for this study was survey research method. The population of the study was two thousand three hundred and fifty students (2350) undergoing the NCE Social Studies Programme in two Colleges of Education. Proportionate random sample technique was used to select the three hundred and thirty three (333) students of the study as determined by Research Advisors Table (2006). The Students Socialization through Social Media Questionnaire (SSSMQ) was the instrument used to collect data. The instrument was validated by supervisors and experts. The reliability of the instrument was established through a pilot test and confirmed by the use of Cronbach Alpha to give a reliability index of 0.80. Mean and Standard Deviation were used to answer the research questions respectively, while t-test independent sample was used to test all null hypotheses at a significant level of 0.05. The result indicated that the three hypotheses raised were retained. The result indicated that Social Media has significant influence on Social Studies Students in enhancing socialization from the analyzed data of the respondents. The study recommended that, Government, school administrators, teachers and parents have to employ a collaborative effort in helping student on how to use Social Media properly in enhancing socialization.
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Project Body